Intuitive Reading & Healing Services Offered~

AVAILABLE REMOTELY in the comfort of your home (please send photo) or in-person at the Spicewood Springs Office Park…

During our Complimentary 20-minute Discovery Call let’s explore the service(s) below that best resonate with your goals at this time.

Divine Navigation Coaching ~  Ready to leave a personality led life and old paradigms moving into the life your SOUL desires to guide. A powerful lifetime practice of growth for those who desire a deep dive into their Awakening. ~ Zoom only.                                                                                                                                                                                  ~ I am deeply grateful to have received the transmissions and knowledge she shared during the soul ancestry part of our reading. Dianna described the images she experienced with precision and accuracy, and as a result, I felt guided, held— nested in the deeper, ancient reasons I have come to this planet. This, in itself, brings me a great sense of enduring peace.                               Anaya S. November 2018

Pet Intuitive Reading                                                                                            Dianna will intuitively read your pet’s core essence exploring your pet’s thoughts, feelings, unique viewpoint/experience. Giving that special member of the family a chance to be heard. ~ Zoom only/Includes recording.

~ She certainly seems to have gotten the message! Whole different dog…      Dr. Mary T. 2024                                                                                                                                     ~ Dianna was able to communicate to our two beloved dogs who passed within a few months of each other. She was able to provide details about their personalities, behavior, and appearance that was spot on. I was grieving pretty hard and being able to communicate with my dogs and hear that they are happy on the other side was very healing and a relief to me and my husband. I also received confirmation that the signs I was receiving from my dogs truly were them…                                                                                                                            Karen S. July 2019

Crystal Spiritual Intuitive Reading  
Dianna, the Crystal Whisperer will intuitively read your core essence using the energy of a chosen crystal. 

~My sessions with Dianna have been delightful. Her joyful passion is infectious. I appreciate the gentle and direct way Dianna gives you the information she receives. I felt very safe in her presence, and I could feel the other loving beings in the room happily communicating through her to me. When we were through I felt like I was wrapped in love and peace. What a wonderful gift. I feel the integrity and honor Dianna brings to her work. Dianna loves the crystals and they speak to her. Again I say; what a lovely gift!
Deborah E.

Crystal Personal Shopper 
Shopping for crystals, overwhelmed deciding which of the many amethysts available is the one for you or from several pieces of rose quartz which would be a good vibration for that special someone. Before you purchase bring your selection, and Dianna will tune in to discover which crystals are ready to create/be with you or that special someone you are gifting.

Already have your crystals? Bring them along for a Crystal Personal Shopper session with Dianna, the Crystal Whisperer, and explore their “unique crystal personality”.

Please clear your crystals before your session. If you don’t have a favorite method here are a few suggestions with the exception of a Vogel crystal:

  • Place crystals in the moonlight for 24 – 48 hours.
  • Place crystals in a non-plastic container with very fine play sand (available at craft or home improvement stores) that has been strained after purchase to remove anything that might scratch the crystal. Leave in the sand for 24- 48 hours.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
~ The remote session was very interesting, I’m glad you agreed to go on zoom audio with me, and just ask me different questions to guide me through the experience of finding my crystals.
I thought it was amazing how you were able to see some details (not only spiritual but also physical) that I didn’t even tell you about, like when I was holding the fire quartz in my hand in a line and you just knew. I think the session went pretty smoothly since you explained how you were connecting to me and the crystals where you were located so, as long as we openly communicated about what we were envisioning and learning from the crystals it went really well.
The experience was all-around wonderful and offered me a lot of clarity especially when we were able to find a crystal pair in the pink tourmaline, which not only helped me but also my friend.
I am very impressed with your abilities to be able to tap into the energies and host such an incredible session remotely.Thank you so much!
Kaia, June 2020

Vibrational Healing Session ~ Based on the DaEl Walker method of crystal healing. The sessions focus on the Chakra Centers and Aura of your energy matrix which make up the reality of your physical body.

Atlantean Atla-Ra Healing Session ~ These sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed dis-ease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. All body systems are explored as if peeling away the layers of an onion revealing issues that continue to heal with the assistance of the Atlantean Healing Angels as well as additional Master Healers.

Soul Retrieval Option ~ Fragmentation of the soul may occur when we experience trauma in our lives; this can be through shock, a trauma in childhood, sudden loss of life and injury, and loss of beloved family, friends, and pets. The fragments of our soul could have left us at different times in our lives and stay trapped within the moment of that trauma. These sessions are designed to bring back pieces (or all) of the fragments of our soul to bring about balance in our life.